调整各种证券在证券投资组合中所占的比重,可以改变证券投资组合的β系数,从而改变证券投资组合的风险和风险收益率。 ()
A. 正确
B. 错误
C. A
D. 通过增加β系数较小的证券比重,可以降低组合β系数,投资组合的β系数是单个证券β系数的加权平均数,权数为各种证券在投资组合中所占的比重。
听力原文:W: Can you recognize me, David?
M: Why, are you Margaret?
W: Sure, I am. We haven't seen each other for over twenty years.
M: You haven't changed so much.
W: You haven't either.
M: Remember the days when we were together? We used to go out for a walk every evening after supper.
W: And my mother used to say that we are more like brother and sister than friends.
M: Those good old days!
Question 6: What's the relationship between the man and the woman?
A. Colleagues.
B. Friends.
C. Brother and sister.
D. Husband and wife.
银行汇票被拒绝承兑后,持票人即使未按照规定期限通知其前手,该持票人仍可向其前手行使迫索权。 ()
A. 正确
B. 错误
Few animals besides monkeys have hand-like paws. The monkey, like man, has an opposable thumb —— that is, it can place its thumb opposite its other fingers. By pressing its first finger against its thumb a monkey can pick up things as tiny as a flea(跳蚤)。 Because other animals lack this thumb, it is difficult for them to pick up small things and carry them.
The monkey’s ability to grasp rice with its paw often leads to its capture. Hunters put some rice inside a coconut(椰子果), leaving a hole in the shell of the nut. The monkey has no trouble sliding its paw through the hole. But it can't draw the paw out while it is holding the rice with its paw.
Since it is often too stupid or greedy to open its hand, the monkey is unable to free itself from this simple trap (圈套).
According to the passage, not many animals have.
A. Paws with fingers.
B. Paws with thumbs.
C. Paws without fingers.
D. Paws without thumbs and fingers.
公司减少资本后的注册资本不得低于法定的最低限额。 ()
A. 正确
B. 错误