颈椎操有腰椎操没有的动作,是因为脖子的活动度大(Cervical spine exercises have actions that lumbar spine exercises do not include, because the neck is more mobile)
微创手术是颈腰椎病大势所趋(Minimally invasive surgery is the general trend of cervical and lumbar spondylosis)
A. 对
B. 错
超声波的作用包括机械作用和热效应(The role of ultrasound includes mechanical and thermal effects)
A. 对
B. 错
颈托有固定、支持的作用,佩戴久点矫正效果越好(The neck brace has the function of fixing and supporting.)
A. 对
B. 错
Hoogland对TESSYS技术的第一代产品进行改良和升级(Hoogland improved and upgraded the first generation of TESSYS technology)
A. 对
B. 错