Match the following words with their Chinese meanings.
Match the English sentence with Chinese version about the advertisement.
Match the Chinese sentence with English version about the advertisement.
某压力容器壳体的计算厚度为12.9 mm,腐蚀裕量1 mm,厚度负偏差0.3 mm,则该容器的名义厚度可取为( )。
A. 14 mm
B. 13 mm
C. 14.2 mm
D. 前三项选择都不对
某压力容器壳体的计算厚度为12.3 mm,有效厚度为11.9 mm,则该容器 ()。
A. 强度不满足要求
B. 强度满足要求
C. 稳定性不满足要求
D. 稳定性满足要求