____________(meaning)the activity of visiting interesting buildings and place as a tourist.
A. sightseeing
B. dress
C. swim
D. hunt
____________(meaning)to think or believe that sth is true or possible (based on the knowledge that you have)
A. clean
B. travel
C. suppose
D. harvest
____________(meaning)a public performance of music.
A. meeting
B. concert
C. entertainment
D. excursion
____________(meaning)to travel to or around an area or a country in order to learn about it.
A. collect
B. sweep
C. explore
D. suppose
耕地占用税,是为了合理利用土地资源,加强土地管理,保护耕地,对占用耕地建房或从事其他非农业建设的单位和个人,就其( )的耕地面积征收的一种税。
A. 实际占用
B. 法律形式上的占用
C. 规定占用
D. 以上都不对