票据的善意持票人是指( ),取得了一张表面完整、合格而有效的票据的人。
A. 虽未支付时价,但由别人无偿赠送
B. 善意地支付了票据的全部对价
C. 无意中抬到,但为找到失主而留下
D. 从他人手中低价购得
根据下列的汇票记载,可判定记载为( )的汇票为有效汇票。
A. Pay to Tomson Co.or order the sum of two thousand US dollars.
B. Pay to Tomson Co.providing the goods they supply are cornplied with contract the sum of five hundred HongKong dollars.
C. Pay toTomson Co.out of the proceeds in our No.3 arcount the sum of three thousand US dollars.
D. Pay to Tomson Co.the sum of four thousand US dollars upon receipt of Bill of Lading No.1235.
根据下列的汇票记载,可判定记载为( )的汇票为无效汇票。
A. Pay to Jackson Co.or order the sum six thousand US dollars.Drawn under L/C No.83419 issued by Westminster bank Limited,London dated on 8th May 2004.
B. Pay to Jackson Co.or order the sum of seven thousand US dollars and charge/debit same to applicant’s account with you.
C. Pay to Jackson Co.or order the sum of eight thousand Hongkong dollars plus interest.
D. Pay to Jackson Co.or order the sum of nine thousand Hongkong dollars plus interest calculated at the rate of 8% p.a.
( )背书条件下票据的债权未发生转移。
A. 条件
B. 不得转让
C. 委托取款
D. 记名
( )是指票据L必须将法律规定的项目符合规定地记载完整。
A. 文义性
B. 要武性
C. 设便性
D. 法律性