Every practical legged robot will incorporate these principles.
A. utilize
B. combine
C. follow
D. assimilate
If you make the mechanical structures right, for example, adjusting the mass and length of the upper and lower legs to mimic the natural dynamics of walking, the legs do the right thing from physics.
A. mock
B. study
C. imitate
D. minimize
As the forward foot lands, a microchip tells the rear foot to push off.
A. rare
B. hind
C. backward
D. still
It was important, Mr. Collins said, to bear in mind the way people move naturally. He said "the leg is analogous to a pendulum," which can either be let go to swing or driven exactly in a movement.
A. similar
B. comparing
C. corresponding
D. analytical
In the future some of their principles may combine with those used in sophisticated robots in which every angle is controlled.
A. approaches
B. rules
C. theories
D. laws