
In ______, Robert Bartholomew (1831–1904) noticed that his 30-year-old mentally disabled patient, Mary Rafferty, had a two-inch hole in her skull caused by a cancerous ulcer. He took advantage of this opportunity to study her brain and inserted electrodes into the hole.

A. 1865
B. 1870
C. 1874
D. 1880


In 1897, the ___________ bacteriologist Giuseppe Sanarelli (1864–1940) claimed to have isolated the bacterium which causes yellow fever from the blood of patients with the disease. To test his hypothesis, he injected the bacteria into five patients without their consent. The patients all developed yellow fever symptoms and three died. Canadian physician William Osler (1849–1919) and many other physicians sharply criticized Sanarelli's experiments.

A. French
B. Italian
C. German
D. British

An important medical experiment that helped to pioneer the use of informed consent documents took place in Cuba in the earlier 1900s, when US Army physician, pathologist and bacteriologist Walter Reed (1851–1902) sought to establish the cause of _________________.

A. flu
B. yellow fever
C. rabies
D. smallpox

In ______, William Beaumont (1785–1853) asked his patient Alexis St. Martin to sign a document which some have regarded as a consent form, but it was more like an employment contract.

A. 1815
B. 1819
C. 1822
D. 1825

In 1900, Prussia became the first nation to adopt legal rules concerning medical research. The Prussian Directive required medical researchers to obtain informed consent from their subjects and barred physicians from conducting research on __________.

A. women
B. children
C. the elderly
D. soldiers
