以下说法正确的是( )
A. 砼灌缝:梁板之间的铰缝砼,程量=砼实体积
B. 板梁底部砂浆勾缝工程量=缝体积
C. 桥面防水工程量=防水层面积
D. 桥头搭板工程量=搭板砼体积
现浇混凝土模板的定额套价( )
A. 按现浇砼部位套用定额
B. 承台分有底模、无底模两种,模板按不同的施工部位套用
C. 现浇梁、板模板定额中不包括支架
D. 模板按不同的部位按木模、复合木模、组合钢模板套用
A. 按工程部位套用定额
B. 按施工方法套用定额
C. 按施工先后顺序套用定额
D. 定额中砼按常用的强度等级列出,如与设计不同时,可以换算
Complete the passage with the correct form of words:createdecideperfectinspirefurnishmentWhen the Internet connection is less than [1]people very quickly [2]it is the fault of the server. However, in many cases if they just made a [3]to install a firewall or an anti-virus program, they would have wasted so much bandwidth. Firewalls and anti-virus programs are [4]by some very clever people. Their main [5]is to provide the easiest answer to most Internet problems. Many computers are [6].