
The main goals of Network are sharing computer resources .The resources include hardware,

A. gateway
B. router
C. software
D. server



A. πA(σπB='010'(E))=σB='010'(πA(E))
B. (E1×E2)×E3=E1×(E2×E3)
C. σA=6(σB='010'(E))=σA=6,B='010'(E)
D. σA=6(E1×E2)=(σA=6(E1))×(σA=6(E2))

上述关系代数表达式中,与SQL语句selectdistinct A,C from R where B=5等价的是

A. 都等价
B. Ⅲ
C. Ⅱ
D. Ⅰ

在窗体上画一个名称为Labell、标题为“ViSBalBasic考试”的标签,两个名称分别为 Command1和Command2、标题分别为“开始”和“停止”的命令按钮,然后画一个名称为Timer1的计时器控件,并把其Interval属性设置为500,如图所示。
编写如下程序: Private Sub Form Load() Timerl.Enabled = False End Sub Private Sub Command1 Click() Timer1.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub Command2 Click() Timerl.Enabled = False End Sub Private Sub Timerl Timer() If Labell.Left<Width Then Labell.Left = Labell.Left+20 Else Labell.Left = 0 End If End Sub 程序运行后单击“开始”按钮,标签在窗体中移动。 对于这个程序,以下叙述中错误的是

A. 标签的移动方向为自右向左
B. 单击“停止”按钮后再单击“开始”按钮,标签从停止的位置继续移动
C. 当标签全部移出窗体后,将从窗体的另一端出现,重新移动
D. 标签按指定的时间间隔移动

The traditional two-parents family is fast giving way in the America of the 1980s to households in which one adult must juggle the often enormous demands of making a living and raising children.
For many, single parenthood is synonymous with economic need. More than 3 million single-parent families live in poverty, according to the Census Bureau, and joblessness, plus cuts in public assistance, has helped drive up the number of poor children in such families by about 20 percent in just three years.
The biggest burden falls on households that are headed by single mothers. Nearly half of these families are below the poverty as" the most compelling social fact "of the last 10 years.
This deprivation is not only hard on its victims but expensive for taxpayers since single women and their offspring receive 40 to 80 percent of the benefits in various welfare programs that cost the government a total of 40 billion dollars a year. Despite cuts in benefits averaging 10 percent, rising number of eligible women are likely to keep the overall cost up, according to economist Alice Rivlin, former director of the Congressional Budget office.
Fanning the single-parent spiral are two dramatic offshoots of the sexual revolution: divorce and unwed(未婚的) motherhood. The divorce rate has doubled in the last 15 years, and the number of illegitimate births has more than doubled to 700,000 annually. One tenth of white children and more than one half of black children are now born out of wedlock. What's more, there is a strong tendency now for women and teenagers who have illegitimate children to keep rather than put them up for adoption.
Typical is Rufina Nera of Los Angeles. When she became pregnant at 15, abortion was never mentioned in her home. Instead, her mother encouraged her to have the child, says Nera, adding: "She even gave a baby shower for me."
Now, Nera shares a crowded bedroom with her 2-year-old daughter as well as her sister. She hope no hope of help from the father, although he remarked during the only time he saw the child that she was prettier than his other illegitimate baby. Even so, Nera tries to keep her attention on two goals: moving into her own apartment and getting enough education to become a secretary or a nurse. Her first step along that path is attending Ramona High School, an "opportunity school" where she and 110 other girls study while their babies are cared for in a nursery.
What effect does joblessness and cuts in public assistance have on children of single - parent families?

Another 3 million of them live in poverty.
B. The number of them increased by about 20 percent in just three years.
C. The number of them increased by about 3 percent in the 1980s.
D. They were not affected at all.
