设链队列Q的头指针和尾指针分别为front和rear,初始时队列为空,若向队列插入一个元素*s,则应执行的指针操作为( )。
A. Q->front->next=s;s->next=Q->rear;Q->rear=NULL;
B. s->next=Q->front;Q->rear->next=s;Q->rear=NULL;
C. Q->rear->next=s;Q->rear=s;s->next=NULL;
D. Q->front->next=s;Q->rear=s;s->next=NULL;
已知循环队列的存储空间为数组data[21],且当前队列的头指针和尾指针的值分别为8和3,则该队的当前长度为( )。
A. 5
B. 6
C. 16
D. 17
Friendships are hard to survive in a ____social environment.
Some conflicts due to ____can cause the end of friendships.
In recent years, we have invested more in basic science, but I think the investment ratio is still____.