After Geraldine found premises, it was difficult for her to
A. run both parts of the business.
B. find enough clients to deliver to.
C. afford the rent of the building.
A. 聘用甲国执业会计师,无须经该分行所在地区中国人民银行分行认可
B. 聘用甲国执业会计师,并须经该分行所在地区中国人民银行分行认可
C. 聘用中国注册会计师,无须经该分行所在地区中国人民银行分行认可
D. 聘用中国注册会计师,并须以该分行所在地区中国人民银行分行认可
A. Private Sub Form_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer,_X As Single,Y As Single) If Button=2 Then PopupMenu Bs, 2 End Sub
B. Private Sub Form_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer,_X As Single,Y As Single) PopupMenu Bs End Sub
C. Private Sub Form_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer,_X As Single,Y As Single) PopupMenu Bs,0 End Sub
D. Private Sub Form_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer,_X As Single,Y As Single) If (Button=vbLeftButton) Or (Button=vbRightButton) Then PopupMenu Bs End Sub