The Hills Fitness Center
Price Rates
good through the end of the current calendar year
¥ Students (ages 13-17) ¥ Senior Citizens (ages 60 and over)
Monthly dues...................$25 Monthly dues............................$40
Yearly dues....................$220 Yearly dues.............................$425
¥ Adult (ages 18-59) ¥ Family
Monthly dues...................$60 Monthly dues..........................$110
Yearly dues....................$620 Yearly dues...........................$1200
¥ A one-time processing fee applies ¥ The childcare center is located on the
to all new memberships. first floor.
¥The processing fees for student, ¥ Possession must be stored in the
adult, senior citizen, and family personal lockers provided in the
memberships are $10, $35, $25, changing room.
and $40, respectively. ¥ Combination locks are available free of charge.
¥ Membership includes unlimited
use of the spa, gym, Olympic-size ¥ For further registration information,
swimming pool, and other athletic please contact Mr. Scott A. Hunt at
facilities. (225)578-8200
¥ Three complimentary sessions with
a personal trainer and one-day The Hills Fitness Center
free admission pass for a guest are 304 Thomas Road,
also offered with membership. Baton Rouge, LA 70803
¥ Childcare is available for children
up to the age of six for $5 an hour
per child.
How much will a 65-year-old person pay for a yearly membership?