

A. 犯罪嫌疑人廉某,为犯罪准备工具、制造条件,犯罪情节轻微,可以作出酌定不起诉决定
B. 某市检察院在审查乐某故意杀人案中,发现遗漏了依法应当移送审查起诉的同案犯罪嫌疑人祁某。对此,检察院应当建议公安机关对祁某提请批准逮捕
C. 某市检察院办理钟某涉嫌抢劫一案的审查逮捕,发现应当逮捕某市公安局未提请批准逮捕的犯罪嫌疑人钟某,遂建议某市公安局提请批准逮捕。但某市公安局提出钟某系某位市里领导的亲戚而不宜逮捕,市检察院遂直接作出逮捕决定,通知市公安局执行
D. 犯罪嫌疑人丁已死亡可以作出酌定不起诉决定



A. 甲因重男轻女,将妻子刚刚产下的女婴丢在医院病房内,回到家后甲心生悔意,又到医院将孩子抱回,则甲构成遗弃罪
B. 乙将自己年过八十的父亲赶出家门,让其去自己的妹妹家居住。由于乙的妹妹失业在家且卧病在床,乙的父亲不肯离开乙家,并哀求其留下自己,乙不答应。晚上乙的父亲偷偷溜回乙的家中,正欲从冰箱中拿些吃的东西,被乙撞见,乙对其父亲一顿拳打脚踢,并将其再次赶出家门。则乙的行为构成遗弃罪和虐待罪数罪,应当并罚
C. 丙的母亲长年瘫痪,一直与丙一同生活,丙因交通事故被撞成重伤,在医院昏迷了一个月,结果其母亲无人照顾,因行动不便被饿死,则丙的行为构成遗弃罪
D. 丁的妻子失业在家,一直依靠丁的工资生活。后来丁在外面有外遇,不再将工资交给妻子保管,丁的妻子因没钱吃饭心中抑郁,并跳楼自杀,丁的行为构成遗弃罪


A. 甲殴打赵某并递给其一条绳子,让其上吊,赵某被逼无奈听从
B. 乙与有夫之妇钱某相恋,苦于二人不能光明正大的结合,便与钱某约定共同自杀,到“另一个世界”去结合。但在自杀之前乙心生恐惧选择放弃,钱某依约自杀
C. 丙向卧病在床的母亲孙某述说为其治病给自己造成了很大的负担,并劝说其自杀,孙某听从
D. 丁强奸妇女李某,李某因羞愤而撞墙自杀

Section B
Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice.
Accompanying India's industrial transformation has been another revolution of profound significance. A property-owning middle class is not only fuelling a surge of consumption but also developing a keen desire to protect its property. Many want better governance and a legal system that protects them. And all but the very richest complain bitterly about a government that, despite strong and growing revenues, has presided over the collapse of affordable health care and education.
Farmers want change too. The past few years have seen an upsurge of peasant protests, many of them about the rapid encroachment(侵蚀) of cities into rural land. Many millions of farmers have been pushed off their fields with little, if any, compensation, and anger is growing. India needs another ownership revolution, this time in the countryside.
President A.P.J. Abdul Kalam has set his sights high. Abroad, he wants to convince the world that India's rise poses no threat to other countries. At home, he hopes to create a harmonious society. The Congress meeting late next year will be an important opportunity for him to indicate how the government can give the public a greater say in ad dressing these growing social problems. And it will be a chance to show the world that against the background of India's remarkable economic change the government is changing too.
Political reform. matters. Without it, it is hard to imagine how India could make a stable transition to democracy and an unstable India is more likely to pose a threat to the outside world.
The Bush administration is trying to persuade India that a rising India and a strong America could not only co exist but thrive together. Reassuringly, at least in its relations with America, India for now seems to be guided more by pragmatism(实用主义) than by competition. And just as reassuringly, America is encouraging it in this.
Barring a sharp slowdown in the global economy or some huge crisis at home, India is likely to maintain strong growth for the remainder of this decade. This gives its leaders more leeway(回旋余地) to sort out its banking system, deal with the land-ownership problem, fix health care and education (which will involve big changes in the country's financial system) and set up a credible social-security safety net. If it fails to do so in the next few years, it will store up potential crises for the decade beyond, when India's working-age population will begin to decline and a rapidly aging society will loom closer.
With the reform. in industry, Indian government is ______.

A. demanded by many people to improve the legal system
B. praised by many people for bringing steady growth to the national income
C. criticized by all the people for building an unsuccessful health care system
D. complained by all the people of not providing enough money for the education

A.Britain.B.The United States.C.France.D.Japar.

A. Britain.
B. The United States.
C. France.
D. Japar.
