
将下列段落翻译成英语:现在,仪表面板几乎都被电子显示器替代了,比如EFIS (空客)/EADI(波音),ECAM(空客)/EICAS(波音)等。EFIS是电子飞行信息系统的简称,EADI是电子姿态指引仪的简称。他们可以在单独一块显示器上显示一切飞行相关的重要信息,比如空速,高度,航向,姿态,垂直速度和偏航。


Please answer the following question 回答下列问题:1) What is EFIS? 2) What does EFIS consist of? 3)What's the use of EFIS?

Pleaseanswerthefollowingquestion回答下列问题:1)What does SOP stand for? 2) What are included in SOP? 3) What should be done to ensure the proper adherence to SOPs?

Pleaseanswerthefollowingquestion回答下列问题:1) What is situation awareness? 2) Do you think situation awareness is important? Why? 3) What will happen if pilots lose situation awareness during flight?

Pleaseanswerthefollowingquestion回答下列问题:1)What does CRM stand for? 2) Do you think CRM is important? Why?
