For active euthanasia in Japan, four conditions must be met:
A. The patient must be suffering from unbearable physical pain.
B. Death must be inevitable and drawing near.
C. The patient must give consent. (Unlike passive euthanasia, living wills and family consent will not suffice.)
D. The physician must have (ineffectively) exhausted all other measures of pain relief.
Themeaningoflifeisabig philosophical questionabout:
A. Whatisthemeaningoflife?What’sitallabout?Whoarewe?
B. Whyarewehere?Whatareweherefor?
C. Whatistheoriginoflife?
D. Whatisthenatureoflife?Whatisthenatureofreality?
Themeaningoflifeisabig philosophical questionabout:
A. What is the purpose of life? What is the purpose of one's life?
B. What is the significance of life? What is meaningful and valuable in life?
C. What is the value of life?
D. What is the reason to live? What are we living for?
To realize one's potential and ideals, he or she should:
A. To chase dreams and to live one's dreams
B. To spend it for something that will outlast it
C. To matter: to count, to stand for something, to have made some difference that you lived at all
D. To expand one's potential in life
A. To become the person you've always wanted to be
B. To become the best version of yourself
C. To seek happiness and flourish
D. To be a true and authentic human being