
29.( )年,日本无条件投降,台湾地区和澎湖列岛回归祖国。

A. 1945
B. 1846
C. 1949
D. 1840


台湾禁用手巾(手帕)送人的原因是( )。

A. 台湾居丧之家习惯送手帕,赠送手帕会被误解为视对方为丧家
B. 手帕到天凉即不用,送手帕给人意味迟早要抛弃对方
C. 台湾办完丧事要送手也给吊丧者,表示让其与死者断绝往来,称为“送巾离恨”
D. 闽南语“手帕”与“互散”同音

3.被誉为阿里山“五奇”的有( )。

A. 高山铁路
B. 瀑布
C. 森林
D. 云海
E. 日出

According to the text the roots of Chinese painting can be traced back to the art of

A. bronze ware.
B. porcelain ware.
C. pottery.
D. lacquer ware.

Many a Chinese painter is at the same time a poet and calligrapher and closely associated with ___________________.

A. poetry.
B. calligraphy.
C. seal-cutting.
D. and C.
