The aim of the golf players is to get the golf ball from the tee to the green and eventually into the hole in as few shots as possible.
Golf balls have dimples on the appearance.
A. 对
B. 错
关于下列语句叙述错误的是( )。 int i=10, *p=&i;
A. p的值为10
B. p指向整型变量i
C. *p表示变量i的值
D. p的值是变量i的地址
已知:p是一个指向类A公开的数据成员m的指针,A1是类A的一个对象。如果要给m赋值为5,正确的是( )
B. A1.*p=5;
C. A1->p=5;
D. *A1.p=5;
有如下程序: #includeusing namespace std; class Amount{ int amount; public: Amount(int n=0):amount(n){} int getAmount()const{return amount;} Amount &operator+=(Amount a){ amount+=a.amount; return______; } }; int main(){ Amount x(3),y(7); x+=y; cout<
A. amount
B. this
C. &amount
D. *this