
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary defines 'life' as: The general condition that distinguishes organisms from inorganic objects and dead organisms, being manifested by growth through metabolism, a means of reproduction, and _________________________ in response to the environment.


The American Heritage® Student Science Dictionary (2nd Edition, 2014) defines 'life' as: The property or quality that distinguishes living organisms from dead organisms and nonliving matter. Life is shown in an organism that has the ability to grow, _____________________, respond to stimuli, and reproduce.

Mosby's Medical Dictionary (9th Edition, 2009) defines 'life' as: The energy that enables organisms to grow, reproduce, absorb and use nutrients, and evolve, and, in some organisms, to achieve mobility, express ________________, and demonstrate a voluntary use of the senses.

Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary (2012) defines 'life' as: 1. Vitality, the essential condition of being alive; the state of existence characterized by such functions as metabolism, growth, _________________, adaptation, and response to stimuli. 2. Living organisms such as animals and plants.

Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing© Farlex 2012 defines 'life' as: 1. The quality or condition proper to living beings; the state of existence characterized by such functions as metabolism, growth, reproduction, _____________, and response to stimuli. 2. Living organisms such as animals and plants.
