
Research by Fiedler uncovered three contingency dimensions that define the key ________.

A. situational factors for determining leader effectiveness
B. follower factors for determining leader effectiveness
C. leader behavioral style factors for determining leader effectiveness
D. situational factors for determining follower effectiveness


According to Hersey and Blanchard, a high task-low relationship situation calls for the ________ leadership style.

A. delegating
B. telling
C. participating
D. selling

Which of the following leadership styles describes a leader who provides both directive and supportive behavior according to Hersey and Blanchard?

A. telling
B. selling
C. participating
D. delegating

At Falcons Inc., Jeremy is the head of the marketing department. However, he is not in the habit of deciding everything on his own. He involves his team in the decision-making process as much as possible. He believes in communicating clearly and is always ready to help his team to get the best out of them. Jeremy's leadership style will be classified as which of the followingaccording to Hersey and Blanchard?

A. telling
B. selling
C. participating
D. delegating

Which of the following leadership styles describes a leader who provides little direction or support?

A. telling
B. selling
C. participating
D. delegating
