——What can I do for you?——I want_______.
A. two dollar's worth of candy
B. two dollars' worth of candy
C. dollars worth of candy
D. two dollars-worth candy
Numerous materials are available to_________.
A. today of designers
B. today's of designers
C. today's designers
D. today designers
John has a _______ daughter.
A. five-years-old
B. five-year old
C. five year old
D. five-year-old
l had my hair made at______ near the department store.
A. the barber
B. the barbers
C. the barber's
D. the barbers’
A. 确定了党的名称
B. 制定了党的第一个纲领
C. 选举产生了由陈独秀、李大钊、张国焘组成的中央局
D. 确定了消灭阶级的斗争目的