For conditions that might be stigmatizing, such as reproductive, sexual, public health, and psychiatric health concerns, confidentiality assures that private information will not be disclosed to family or _____________ without their consent.
In accordance with the Health Information Portability and Accountability Act of 1997 in the US (HIPAA), institutions are required to have policies to protect the privacy of patients' electronic information, including procedures for computer access and ____________.
Identifiable patient information should either be ___________ or should not be removed from the security of the health care institution. The patient's right to privacy is violated when lapses of this kind occur.
Ethically, most would agree that a duty to warn an innocent victim of imminent harm ______________ a duty to confidentiality, but these cases are rare and judgment calls of this sort are highly subjective. Hence, the duty to maintain confidentiality is critical, but may be overridden in rare and specific circumstances.