A. 具有财产所有权单向转移的性质
B. 主体的一方只能是国家
C. 权利义务关系具有不对等性
D. 税收法律关系的变更以主体双方意思表示一致为要件
E. 对税收法律关系的性质,有两种不同的学说,即“权力关系说”和“债务关系说”
He was rightly suspicious meeting me until I reassured him I was not writing about him.
A. of
B. at
C. to
D. from
He was in no way of dog trainers in general.
A. instead
B. replaced
C. present
D. representative
We labels to things before we file them away.
A. attack
B. attach
C. attract
D. mattock
Police have two suspects in connection with the attack.
A. compiled
B. attained
C. detained
D. obtained