非对称数字用户线( ADSL )技术是一种充分利用( )的通信频带实现高速数据传输的技术。
A. 普通电话铜线
B. 同轴电缆
C. 光纤
D. 微波
def f(x):return {0: 'You typed zero.',1:'You are in top',2: 'n is an even number.'}.get(x,'NULL')print(f(5))
The output of the following code isdef faulty():raise Exception("Something is wrong!")def ignore_exception():faulty()def handle_exception():try:faulty()except:print("Exception handled!")handle_exception()
What is the output after running the following codes with inputs 5 and 2?代码如下,若两个输入分别是5和2,输出结果是什么?try:x = int(input("\nFirst number: "))y = int(input("Second number: "))print(x/y)except ZeroDivisionError as e1: #①print("You can't divide by 0!")except ValueError as e2: #②print(e2)else:print('no error!')
甲型肝炎、戊型肝炎主要由( )途径传播。
A. 呼吸道
B. 血液
C. 粪-口
D. 体液