Which of these are true of the Statue of Liberty?
A. it is located in New York City harbor
B. it represents America's openness to immigration
C. A poem on its base invites the tired and poor to come to America
D. It is the tallest statue in the world
E. It is sometimes called Mister Liberty
The Confederate States of America
A. were eleven states located in the northeast US region
B. tried to leave the United States of America
C. the Confederate States wanted to keep their slaves
D. they won the Civil War
E. they were known for their economy based on large plantations
A. 必须履行
B. 技术文件及合同规定
C. 满足隐含要求
D. 满足明示要求
A. 分为甲、乙级
B. 分为甲、乙、丙级
C. 不设级别
D. 分为一、二级
A. 分项工程
B. 分部工程
C. 检验批
D. 抽样检验方案