用分枝定界法求解一个极大化的整数规划问题时, 任何一个可行解的目标函数值是该问题目标函数值的下界;
指派问题效率矩阵的每个元素都乘上同一常数k, 将不影响最优指派方案;
A. 对
B. 错
求解0-1 规划的隐枚举法是分枝定界法的特例;
A. 对
B. 错
分枝定界法在需要分枝时必须满足: 一是分枝后的各子问题必须容易求解; 二是各子问题解的集合必须覆盖原问题的解;
A. 对
B. 错
Which three of these things is true of George Washington?
A. the first President of the United States
B. the author of the Declaration of Independence
C. the Commanding General of the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War
D. he is one of four presidents whose heads are carved on Mount Rushmore
E. Instead of President he wanted to become America's first king