Lesson 3 课前小测complete the following transmissions based on the what you have previewed.PIL: Wuhan Control, GASDF, request time checkCTL: ______calling Wuhan Control, ______your callsign.PIL: GASDFCTL: ________, time is 0715 and a half.
CTL: CSN303, turn left heading 130 ________turn left heading 310
CTL: CCA102, Wuhan Approach, climb to and maintain FL310PIL: climb to and maintain FL130, CCA102CTL:_______, ________ i say again, climb and maintain FL310
CTL: BAW214, _______Wuhan Control on 124.32, good day.
A. 全酶
B. 酶蛋白
C. 维生素
D. 辅助因子
E. 核酸