Directions: Answer the following questions according to the text.What has become "the norm" so far in new age communication?
Directions: Answer the following questions according to the text.What were the days like before the Internet became an integral part of our lives?
Directions: Answer the following questions according to the text.Why does it get harder to leave the couch and go outside nowdays?
Directions: Answer the following questions according to the text.Why was the evening lecture on local history mentioned?
A. MIn稳定性要略大于MY的稳定性
B. 指示剂应在适宜pH范围内使用
C. 指示剂本身颜色与其生成的配位物质颜色显著不同
D. 金属指示剂配合物MIn应易于溶于水,不应形成胶体沉淀