翻译信用证流程:a. The importer applies to a local bank foropening an L/C in favour of the exporter and provides a certain amount ofdeposit and formality fees.b.The opening bank sends the L/C opened to the advising bank.c. The advising bank transfer theL/C tothe exporter.d. After examining the L/C, the exporter delivers the goods according to the stipulations of L/C. After shipment, the exporter makes out a draft, and draws up the documents inaccordance with the L/C, and delivers them to the negotiating bank within itsvalidity.e. If the documents are in conformitywith the L/C, the negotiating bank will advance the purchase price to the exporter.f. The negotiating bank transfers thedraft and documents to the opening bank or the bank appointed by the openingbank applying for payment.g. The opening bank will pay to the negotiating bank after examining the documents.h. The opening bank informs the applicant of the same and asks him to make payment so as to get hold of the shipping documents.i. The applicant makes payment to gethold to shipping documents, and take delivery of the goods against the documents.