
The American entertainment industry is extremely __1__, which influences the way people see America.It also becomes easier for Americans to see __2__ as __3__.One thing to keep in mind when you watch a Hollywood movie is that you should not __4___ everything you see.


Americans love sports.The biggest sports in America are __1__, __2__, __3__ and __4__

进料容量指可装入搅拌机的材料体积之和装料不能超过进料容量的( )。

A. 3%
B. 5%
C. 8%
D. 10%

搅拌时间过短,混凝土不均匀,( )

A. 强度不变,和易性降低
B. 强度及和易性均不变
C. 强度降低,和易性不变
D. 强度及和易性均降低

大体积混凝土的浇筑温度不宜超过( )。

A. 20℃
B. 24℃
C. 28℃
D. 32℃
