2016年的政府工作报告,李克强总理已经宣布5月1日全面实施营改增,给了时间表,没有“力争”两个字。此前,2015年12月,国务院发布《关于清理规范税收等优惠政策的通知》,要求全面清理已有的各类税收等优惠政策。统一税收政策制定权限,除依据法律规定的税政管理权限外,各地区一律不得自行制定税收优惠政策。该政策旨在() ①扩大财政收入来源,促进资源的合理配置②深化财税体制改革,维护正常的分配秩序③形成统一的市场体系,促进市场公平竞争④落实扩张性财政政策,防止经济大起大落
A. ①②
B. ②③
C. ①④
D. ③④
An existing IBM customer has a few pSeries servers running DB2 on AIX in their environment. The DB2 application contains the database for an order entry application. An xSeries SQL database server replicating from DB2 is added for off-line analysis purposes. The customer wants to know if consolidating the storage and centralized backup is possible. What are the options available to accomplish this?()
A. pSeries and xSeries use different file systems. Consolidating Storage and backup is not achievable.
B. Consolidation is possible by connecting pSeries local storage to the xSeries SQL server using the IXA adapter.
C. Storage consolidation can be achieved by connecting the pSeries and xSeries servers to a common DS4000 storage server.
D. Storage consolidation is only achievable when raw file systems are used by the databases and both servers run the same Linux file system (e.g., EXT3 or Reiser).