高某系A省甲县个体工商户,其持有的工商营业执照载明经营范围是林产品加工,经营方式是加工、收购、销售。高某向甲县工商局缴纳了松香运销管理费后,将自己加工的松香运往A省乙县出售。当高某进入乙县时,被乙县林业局执法人员拦截。乙县林业局以 高某未办理运输证为由,依据A省地方性法规《林业行政处罚条例》以及授权省林业厅制定的《林产品目录》(该目录规定松香为林产品,应当办理运输证)的规定,将高某无证运输的松香认定为"非法财物",予以没收。高某提起行政诉讼要求撤销没收决定,法院予以受理。 有关规定: 《森林法》及行政法规《森林法实施条例》涉及运输证的规定如下:除国家统一调拨的木材外,从林区运出木材,必须持有运输证,否则由林业部门给予没收、罚款等处罚。 A省地方性法规《林业行政处罚条例》规定"对规定林产品无运输证的,予以没收"。 如何确定本案的管辖法院?如高某经过行政复议再提起诉讼,如何确定管辖法院?
A. 1985
B. 1986
C. 1988
D. 1993
During normal cluster processing in a five-node cluster,one of the nodes unexpectedly crashes. A review of the system dump indicates that a DMS timeout has occurred. The cluster is configured to use disk heartbeats as a Point-to-Point network. What should be done to address the problem with this configuration?()
A. More disk should be added to the disk heartbeat network,allowing more paths for heartbeats.
B. An RS232 network is required to supply a more robust non-IP network when disk heartbeating is implemented.
C. The network tunable parameters should be changed to allow more missed heartbeats since the disks may be heavily used.
D. An error notification method is required to determine the action to take in response to a failure of the disk heartbeat.
A. 正确
B. 错误