In 2003, Naomi Halas, Jennifer West, Rebekah Drezek, and Renata Pasqualin at Rice University developed gold nanoshells, which when "tuned" in size to absorb near-infrared light, serve as a platform for the integrated discovery, diagnosis, and treatment of __________________ without invasive biopsies, surgery, or systemically destructive radiation or chemotherapy.
In 2005, Erik Winfree and Paul Rothemund from the California Institute of Technology developed theories for DNA-based computation and "algorithmic self-assembly" in which computations are embedded in the process of __________________.
In 2007, Angela Belcher and colleagues at MIT built a lithium-ion battery with a common type of _______ that is nonharmful to humans, using a low-cost and environmentally benign process. The batteries have the same energy capacity and power performance as state-of-the-art rechargeable batteries being considered to power plug-in hybrid cars, and they could also be used to power personal electronic devices.
Nanotechnology is the manipulation of matters with at least one dimension sized from ___ to _____ nm.