
在中国菊花代表高雅脱俗因其在深秋部位寒霜开放深受中国古代文人的喜欢。有的咏其色有的赞其姿更有的借菊抒发情感。赋予菊花崇高纯洁坚强的品格。现实生活中,菊花还有另一外一层意义。Chrysanthemums bloom in the cold autumn air, ____ elegance and courage in China.Chinese scholars speak highly of ju hua for their beauty and ____. Ju hua also has another meaning.


人们在纪念逝去的亲人时通常会用菊花寄托哀思。菊花不仅可供观赏还可以做茶、酿酒、做各种食物。They are also used to ____for loved ones who have ____. In addition, ju hua can be used as an ingredient for tea,wine and food.

中国每年都有菊花盛会。秋冬时节万花凋零只有菊花绽放。____ for ju hua are held ____ in China. Ju hua ____ remain open in late-autumn and winter when other flowers have ______.

古都北京的布局形成于十五世纪以故宫为中心对称建造。全长7.7公里的中轴线是北京的中心标志。北京有故宫、天坛、长城等宏大建筑。The ____ of Beijing formed in the 15thcentury.The Imperial Palace is the center of the city’s symmetrical layout. The 77-kilometre long _____ is the symbol of Beijing. There are grand examples of Chinese architecture, such as ____, ____ and the Great Wall.

同时也有京剧、脸谱等丰富的传统民间艺术,糖葫芦、烤鸭等多样的饮食文化。____, such as Peking Opera and traditional foods, such as sugar-coatedhaws on a stick and _____ are famous worldwide.
