
Which of the following statements about the univariate, multivariate, and standard normal distributions is least accurate?

A univariate distribution describes a single random variable.
B. A multivariate distribution specifies the probabilities for a group of related random variables.
C. The standard normal random variable,denoted Z,has mean equal to one and variance equal to one.


Wei Zhang, CFA, manages accounts for high net worth clients including his own familys account. He has no beneficial ownership in his familys account. Because Zhang is concerned about the appearance of

A. Continue to manage his familys account but treat it like his other client accounts.
B. Discontinue management of his familys account and arrange for the account to be transferred to another firm.
C. Discontinue management of his familys account and arrange for the account to be transferred to another investment manager in his firm.

Which of these is best classified as a forward commitment?

A swap agreement
B. A convertible bond
C. A mortgage-backed security

A firm that rents DVDs to customers capitalizes the cost of newly released DVDs that it purchases and depreciates them over three years to a value of zero. Based on the underlying economics of the DVD

A. straight-line.
B. Declining balance.
C. units-of-production.

Scott LaRue is a portfolio manager for Washington Advisors. Washington has developed a proprietary model that has been thoroughly researched and is known throughout the industry as the Washington mode

A. Violating the Standards by not considering the appropriateness of the recommendations to clients.
B. Violating the Standards by not being objective.
C. Violating the Standards by not having a reasonable and adequate basis for his investment recommendation.
