
Now listen to a short speech / talk and fill up the blanks according to what youhave heard. The words in brackets will give you some hints. Good morning, 1 __________ (who?) ! My name is Louisa Wood. I come from 2 __________ (which country?) , and I'm a 3 __________ (what?) . My hobby is listening to pop music. I'm already 4 __________ (how many?) years old, but I still choose to learn English in this class. So I can manage to talk with foreigners when we travel 5 __________ (where?) . Of course, I also want to help 6 __________ (whom?) with their English homework. Oh, 7 __________ (how many?) purpose is to be able to sing pop songs in 8 __________ (what language?). I have 9 __________ (how many?) CDs and I'll bring them here10 __________________ (for what?)!



A. 胃肠道反应
B. 头痛、谵妄
C. 转氨酶增高
D. 再生障碍性贫血
E. 肾间质损害


A. 环磷酰胺
B. 阿司匹林
C. 布洛芬
D. 泼尼松
E. 吲哚美辛


A. 关节疼痛最为多见
B. 均伴有内脏损害
C. 多累及远端指间关节
D. 大多数疼痛对称性强
E. 类风湿性关节炎可造成关节畸形


A. 弱酸性的体液环境中
B. 弱碱性的体液环境中
C. 较强的酸性体液环境中
D. 较强的碱性体液环境中
E. 中性的体液环境中
