

A. 颈椎前路减压+植骨术
B. 颈椎后路椎板减压术
C. 颈椎前路减压+植骨+带锁钢板固定
D. 颈椎后路减压+植骨+钢板固定
E. 颈椎前路减压+后路减压



A. 保护财产继承权
B. 保护缺乏劳动能力又没有生活来源的人的利益
C. 互谅互让、和睦团结
D. 权利与义务相一致


A. 正确
B. 错误


A. 比例税率
B. 累进税率
C. 幅度定额税率
D. 幅度比例税率

The right combination of bricks, mortar and plaster can be mixed to build a city, but it is the city' s people who add that extra dimension which makes it vibrant, memorable, famous and much-visited. London is such a city, and a major exhibition about its people makes this point by pulling together paintings, drawing and prints by artists over the centuries to show Londoners from all walks of life and in all manners of setting. The capital' s renowned old markets, most now gone, like Covent Garden and Billingsgate, captured the eye of painters because of the extraordinarily disparate range of characters mingling together. Processions and ceremonial events were popular subjects, although many artists were inspired by the individuals they saw: the street traders, laborers, merchants, craftsmen, society folk, servants, visiting foreigners, the very poor, the old, and the criminals. There is a book which accompanies the show and from which In Britain has chosen its illustrations. Londoners is published Thames and Hudson, 30-34 Bloomsbury street, London WC1B 3QP. Telephone 01- 636 5488. It has 237 illustrations, 20 in color: £20 in hardback, £9.95 paperback. Available post-free direct form. the publishers to addresses overseas, or form. bookshops in the UK.
The exhibition continues until August 2 at the Museum of London. Open Tuesday to Saturday,
According to the advertisements, the element which adds the real color to a city is ______.

A. the city itself
B. its inhabitants
C. the buildings
D. the markets
