U5 TheexpressionsbelowaresomewordsandexpressionsyouhavelearnedinTextA.Completethefollowingsenteceswiththem.Changetheformwherenecessary.resumeaccelerateprocessmonitorat one's besttake advantage ofsponsorguaranteeequipfamiliarizeattribute...toby contrast1. We need to find some companies to _________________ the contest we're going to hold because we won't be able to cover all the expenses.2. Clear skies are no _____________of continued fine weather; it may rain in the evening.3. The gymnast has performed poorly for the past few days. I wonder when she will be ____________.4. You should _________________ yourself with the rules before you start to play the game.5. The car that had been following ours suddenly __________________and overtook us.6. He almost failed in the math exam, but his twin bother, __________________, did very well.7. In the past two years, she's stayed at home looking after her baby. She is hoping to ______________ her career soon.8. It's a fine day. You should _________________ the good weather to paint the fence.9. The doctors in that hospital have ______________ the causes of his illness _________ an unknown virus.10. I often buy _________________ foods. They may not be so fresh, but it's really time-saving.11. Patients who are given the new drug will be asked to ______________ their heartbeat, temperature and blood pressure.12. Having anticipated the problems I might encounter, I was well _____________ to deal with the situation.
A. 公平如水
B. 正义神圣
C. 法律面前人人平等
D. 司法独立
我国在建设社会主义法治国家的道路上不断探索,续2011年宣布中国特色社会主义法律体系己经形成之后, 2014年又提出 “建设中国特色社会主义法治体系“ 的目标。从“法律体系"到“法治体系"的变化体现在()。
A. 法治体系不仅仅是静态的法律文本, 而且也是动态的法的实现过程
B. 法治体系强调科学立法、严格执法、公正司法、全民守法
C. 法治体系既要有法律的制定,也要保证法律的落实
D. 法治体系不仅有法律规范体系, 还包括法治实施体系、 法治监督体系、 法治保障体系和党内法规体系
A. 中国共产党领导的多党合作和政治协商制度
B. 特别行政区自治制度
C. 民族区域自治制度
D. 基层群众自治制度