_________ is the means of initiating the transmission of ship-to-shore distress alerts in MF band.
A. 406 MhzEPIRB.
B. SSAS based on Inmarsat-C satellite
CESs in the Inmarsat geostationary satellite service.
Via _________ you can get facsimile service.
A. Inmarsat-C, ship-to-shore and shore-to-ship
C. Inmarsat-F
What is not the basic concept (or function) of GMDSS?
A. Search and rescue authorities ashore can be alerted to a distress situation.
B. Shipping in the immediate vicinity of a ship in distress will be rapidly alerted.
C. Shore-side authorities and vessels can assist in a coordinated SAR operation with minimum delay.
D. Sending SSAS alert via C terminals.
The frequency _________ is used for NAVTEX-type MSI.
A. 4125.0 kHz using simplex mode.
B. 4209.5 kHz using FEC mode.
C. 4209.5 kHz using ARQ mode.
D. 4125.0 kHz using FEC mode.
It is required that ships proceeding at sea should keep continuous watch on _________.
A. VHF channels 16 and 13
B. Appropriate DSC distress and safety frequencies
C. INMARSAT TDM message channel
D. VHF channel 70 and channel 08