A. 营业利润=主营业务收入-主营业务成本-主营业务税金及附加
B. 营业利润=主营业务利润+其他业务利润-管理费用财务费用
C. 营业利润=营业利润+投资收益(或损失)+补贴收入+营业外收入-营业外支出
D. 营业利润=营业收入-营业成本(或营业费用)-营业税金及附加-管理费用-销售费用-财务费用-资产减值损失+公允价值变动收益(损失为负)+投资收益 (损失为负)
A. even if
B. though
C. unless
D. on the occasion
An aerial firework is normally formed as a shell.
A. Y
B. N
A.On the ground.B.In cold places.C.On the highest branches of trees.D.Inside three tru
A. On the ground.
B. In cold places.
C. On the highest branches of trees.
D. Inside three trunks.