有以下程序: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int x; for(int i=1;i<=100;i++) { x=i; if (x%2==0) if (x%3==0) if (x%7==0) cout<
A. 39,81
B. 42,84
C. 26,68
D. 28,70
下面是类MyClass的定义,对定义中各语句描述正确的是()。 class MyClass { private: int x,y, z; public: void MyClass(int A) { x=a; } //① int f(int a, int B) //② { x=a; y=b; } int f(int a,
A. 语句①是类MyClass 的构造函数的定义
B. 语句②和③实现类成员函数的重载
C. 语句④实现对类成员变量x的更新操作
D. 语句①、②、③和④都不正确
以下程序的执行结果为()。 #include<iostream.h> Class sample { int n; public: sample(int i){n=i; } operator ++() { n++; } void display() {cout<<n<<end1; } }; void main() { sample obj(5); obj++;
A. 5
B. 6
C. 7
D. 8
A.Telephone them.B.Buy them a gift.C.Nothing, just go over.D.Send them an invitation.
A. Telephone them.
Buy them a gift.
C. Nothing, just go over.
D. Send them an invitation.
听力原文: Frozen forever in time are memories of wire rimmed glasses and a grey sweater that almost always had chocolate covered raisins in the left pocket. Grandpapa always read to me. I'd sit beside him and listen.
When Grandpapa got old and couldn't see well enough to read anymore, I read to him. I'd read until his eyes closed and he started to fall asleep.
As I quietly got up, Grandpapa would reach into the pocket of his grey sweater and pull out a box of chocolate covered raisins, pressing them into my teenaged hand. Eyes still closed, he would whisper "I remembered".
Grandpapa always said things like: "You scratch my back an' I'll scratch yours," and "Share, little one. Sharing makes everything better." Somehow, everything always was better.
I'll never forget the call from the hospital. Grandpapa had suffered a heart attack. My Mother was so upset, crying so many tears. It was snowing that night, great big fluffy snowflakes falling through the glow of the streetlight.
It's snowing this morning, big fluffy snowflakes falling through the glow of the streetlight. I sit and watch the snowflakes fall, thinking about Grandpapa with love in my heart and a cup of coffee in my hands. I will always remember his wise words, "Sharing makes everything better." The need to reach out to another human being is instinctive, and as necessary as the air that we breathe.
It is my sincere hope that you will want to share something of yourself. A kind word to a stranger perhaps, or a compliment to someone that deserves one. It is these small acts of sharing, and caring, that make this world a better place.
A. Chocolate covered raisins.
B. Chocolate covered peanuts.
C. A banana.
D. An apple.