试分别用IF_THEN 语句和CASE语句的表达方式写出此电路的VHDL程序选择控制信号s1和s0的数据类型为STD_LOGIC当 s1=’0’ ,s0=’0’; s1 =’0’,s0=’1’;s1 = ’1’,s0 =’0’和s1 = ‘1’ ,s0 = ‘1’时分别执行y<=a、y<=b、y<=c、y<=d
1.____________Americans were living in North America for many hundreds of years before Europeans reached the 2. ____________. For a long time white people called them 3.___________. Today many people do not like this name since it is 4. ____________on a mistake: it was given to the people living in the America by Christopher Columbus who, when he 5.____________ there, thought he 6.____________in India. Instead, people 7.____________ to use the term Native Americans.