1.The home of your dreams awaits you behind this door. Whether your taste is a country manor estate or a penthouse in the sky, you will find the following pages filled with the world's most elegant residences. (REAL ESTATE)2.You're not fully clean until you're Zestfully clean. (ZEST SOAP)3.Don't spread the cold. . . Spread the word. (COLDENE COLD TABLETS)4.We lead. Others copy. (RICOH PHOTOCOPIER)5.Feel like a million for $970, 000 less. It costs less than breakfast at the White House.BENZCAR)6.Seeing beyond money. (SUNTRUST BANK)7.里仁为美,择邻而居(住宅小区)8.时间不再为沟通而等待,距离不再是合作的障碍(广告公司)9.我们的产品以消费者评价为水准,不说最好,能做更好10.众里寻他千百度,想要几度就几度(伊莱克斯冰箱)11.梦想无界,科技无限(科龙)12.潇潇洒洒雪梦莱,年年岁岁有风采!(雪梦莱服装)