

A. 对
B. 错


请阅读学习通《汽车文化》线上课程9.3节---第三讲 汽车性能与驾驶辅助技术ppt,或查阅相关资料,选择1-3个知识点拓展其内容深度和广度,就汽车性能与驾驶辅助技术相关技术及应用制作ppt上传提交,可以是分组任务中的几个人一组协同完成上传一份同样的PPT,也可以上传多份PPT。同时,12周线下第三次课,我会布置一个“汽车性能与驾驶辅助技术”分组任务,每组同学推荐一名学生代表上讲台讲解你组的PPT内容,同时记录进平时成绩,每组代表上台讲授时间约4-6分钟。2021.11.21

Scan the following table of contents to find which chapter would be relevant to great games of the past.

A.abundant B. complicated C. conflict D. confrontedE. distribute F. environment G. highlight H. innovations I. intensified J. outcomeK. rateL. reliableM. replace N. sourcesO. SubsequentWater is life. We depend on it to keep us and the (1) ____healthy. Nonetheless, many people take water as a natural resource for granted. Today, the situation has changed. As the population of the world increases, and with it the demand for water, there is growing concern that our water supplies will not be as (2) ____ as we think. Eighty countries now have water shortages and 2 billion people lack access to clean water. One billion people lack enough water to simply meet their basic needs.While nearly 70 percent of the world is covered by water, only 2.5 percent of it is fresh. This tiny amount of fresh water available on the planet has remained fairly constant over time and is (3) ____unevenly around the world. The growth of the world population, therefore, (4) ____ competition for a clean supply of water every year. Worse still, humans are not efficient users. According to the United Nations, water use has grown at more than twice the (5) ____ of population increase in the last century. The reality is that an increasing number of regions are (6) ____ with water scarcity. By 2025, two-thirds of the world’s population may face water shortages.An adequate and (7) ____ water supply is essential to the future of every country. To increase and conserve supplies of fresh water, many countries have been working at technological (8) ____, one of which is in the process of desalination. New filtration systems have been developed to (9) ____ traditional heating methods. Thus the expected (10) ____ can be achieved: lower costs.

A. quality B. appreciate C. frequent D. gently E. troubleF. surprise G. rough H. praise I. reached J. satisfaction.K. finishing L. failed M. for N. serious O. greeting.Passage fourThe manager of the office was a hard-working man who was honest, clean and clever, but he had never learnt one very important 1)____ -- politeness. He never took the 2)____ to be polite; he always gave an order: “ do this and be quick about it.” When he 3)____ to hear a question clearly, he just shouted, “what?” the words “please” “I beg your pardon” and “thank you” formed no part of his conversation.If he had spoken 4)____, the work of the office would have been done well, for the staff was a good one. But one after another they left and found work elsewhere. No one could explain to him why they did not stay. So he never understood the causes of the 5)____ changes in the office staff, and probably did not know how impolite he was.Even his chief clerk, Hollis, was getting tired of his 6)____ way of speaking. But he had no courage to tell him about it until one Friday evening. Hollis had spent several nights 7)____ some difficult papers that the manager wanted on Friday. With great 8)____ he brought them into the manager’s office and put them on his desk, thinking that this time he might receive a word of 9)____. The manager looked at them and said nothing.As Hollis 10)____ the door on his way out of the office, he turned around and said, “I beg your pardon, sir?”“I didn’t speak,” said the manager shortly.“Oh!” said Hollis, “I thought you said ‘Thank you’.”
