8.若AL=75H,BL=48H,(1)求执行指令ADD AL,BLDAA之后AL=?标志AF=?CF=?并说明BCD码调整情况。(2)若执行指令SUB AL,BL与DAS后,情况又如何?
Which of the following topics have been covered in the video?
A. what is SWOT analysis for
B. How Americans use SWOT analysis
C. the various elements of SWOT analysis
D. why is SWOT analysis populous
E. considerations of building a SWOT diagram
F. how to getstarted doing it
G. what can employees do for a SWOT analysis
A SWOT diagram ______________ or business venture by focusing on each of these factors. it typically consists of four boxes one for each area but the exact shape may vary depending on the design.
Figuring out what these weaknesses are and ________________________ before they hurt your business is essential.
Market fluctuations, government regulation or public perception are all ___________________ thatmay affect your business in a negative way