
A university training is the great but ordinary means to a great but ordinary end.

A. outstanding
B. common
C. important


He is able to converse; he is able to listen; he can ask a question pertinently, and gain a lesson seasonably, when he has nothing to impart himself.

A. suddenly
B. appropriately
C. politely

He has a gift that serves him in public, and supports him in retirement, without which good fortune is but vulgar, and with which failure and disappointment have a charm.

A. lucky
B. wonderful
C. having a poor taste

The art which tends to make a man all this, is in the object which it pursues as useful as the art of wealth or the art of health, though it is less susceptible of method, and less tangible, less certain, less complete in its result.

A. definite
B. valuable
C. beautiful

Do the following statements agree with the information given in the Reading Passage?For each statement below, writeTRUEif the statement agrees with the informationFALSE if the statement contradicts the informationNOT GIVENif there is no information on this
