A. 核对瓶签
B. 检查瓶盖有无松动
C. 检查瓶口有无裂缝
D. 检查溶液有无变色
E. 检查溶液有无混浊,沉淀
A. I believe my education background and experience in team work fit in nice with the job requirements.
B. I believe my education background and experience fit in nicely in team work with the job requirements.
C. I believe my education background and experience in team work fit in nicely with the job requirements.
D. I believe my education background and experience in team work fit nicely with the job requirements.
A. 赔偿请求人应当向共同赔偿义务机关中最先侵权的赔偿义务机关要求赔偿
B. 赔偿请求人应当向共同赔偿义务机关中最先被确认违法的赔偿义务机关要求赔偿
C. 赔偿请求人可以向共同赔偿义务机关中的任何一个要求赔偿
D. 应当向共同赔偿义务机关协商酌定