有江苏、河南、辽宁、天津四个排球队进行循环赛(每个队与其他队各比赛一场),比赛结果,河南队输掉一场,辽宁队比河南队少赢一场,而河南队又比天津队少赢一场。 关于江苏队的名次,下列哪一项为真?
A. 第一名
B. 第二名
C. 第三名
D. 第四名
A. 随父亲抚养
B. 随经济能力比较强的一方抚养
C. 随哺乳的母亲抚养
D. 随法院的判决
You pay me the rest of the money when you can,or I can let you _______ a secondhand book________fifty cents.
A. to have,with
B. have,for
C. having,with
D. to get,by
A. 综合图书一文化教育一文学艺术
B. 综合图书—文学艺术—文化教育
C. 文化教育—文学艺术—综合图书
D. 文化教育—综合图书—文学艺术
Why did people fear being fat?Because________.
A. fat was a feminist issue
B. girls,boys,old people were falling victim of fat fear
C. even the famously well-rounded women of Fiji were falling victim of fat fear
D. they worried about the way they looked