Which of the following statements regarding routed and routing protocols are true?()
A routed protocol is assigned to an interface and determines the method of packet deliver.
B. A routing protocol determines the path of a packet through a network.
C. A routed protocol determines the path of a packet through a network.
D. A routing protocol operates at the transport layer of the OSI model.
E. A routed protocol updates the routing table of a router.
A. 发现问题长期无人解决,导致客户有理由越级投诉
B. 因装维组织机构不健全、严重缺员和管理制度不落实,造成装维指标严重下降导致客户感知普遍下降
C. 不参加客服部门质量分析会,导致客服部门投诉
D. 不服从业务领导部门的统一调度指挥,工作相互推诿扯皮,影响业务流程正常运作