A. 403131
B. 403135
C. 403154
D. 403130
对下列违反消防安全规定的行为,单位应当责成有关人员当场改正并督促落实:()。 (1)违章进入生产、储存易燃易爆危险物品场所的 (2)违章使用明火作业或者在具有火灾、爆炸危险的场所吸烟、使用明火等违反禁令的 (3)将安全出口上锁、遮挡,或者占用、堆放物品影响疏散通道畅通的 (4)建筑工程的消防设计未经公安消防机构审核擅自施工的
A. (1)(2)(4)
B. (2)(3)(4)
C. (1)(2)(3)
D. (1)(2)(3)(4)
You implement Parental Controls game restrictions for your child on your computer. You select the TEEN rating game restriction. Your child is still able to run some inappropriate games. You need to prevent access to all inappropriate games. What should you do? ()
A. Configure the Game Restrictions parental control to disallow games that are not rated.
B. Configure the Game Restrictions parental control to block games that have intense violence.
Configure Windows Defender to remove high alert items.
D. Configure Microsoft Internet Explorer in Protected Mode.
A. 换卡、补卡业务
B. 预留印鉴的口头挂失
C. 密码挂失
D. 有密码的储蓄支取