
The answers each list a tunnel method and two consecutive IPv6 address quartets.Which answers identify a tunneling method that relies on an IPv4 address to be embedded into an IPv6 address, within the correct quartets listed?()

Automatic 6to4, quartets 2 and 3
B. Automatic 6to4, quartets 7 and 8
C. ISATAP, quartets 2 and 3
D. ISATAP, quartets 7 and 8


1.public classA{ 2.public String doit(intx,inty){ 3.return"a"; 4.} 5. 6.public String doit(int...vals){ 7.return"b"; 8.} 9.} And: 25.A a=new A(); 26.System.out.println(a.doit(4,5)); What is the result?()

A. Line 26 prints "a" to System.out.
B. Line 26 prints "b" to System.out.
C. An exception is thrown at line 26 at runtime.
D. Compilation of class A will fail due to an error in line 6.


A. 镇静药和催眠药之间并无明显界限
B. 镇静药主要引起病人睡眠
C. 镇静催眠药是中枢神经系统兴奋药
D. 同一药物只能表现为镇静药
E. 同一药物只能表现为催眠药


A. 专业分包单位在总包单位的总体部署下.负责编制专业分包工程的施工组织设计
B. 施工单位的部分施工机具放置在场内道路上
C. 施工中需要停水、停电,施工单位在通知了受影响的单位和居民后进行了相关施工
D. 单项工程竣工验收合格后,施工单位将该单项工程移交给了建设单位进行管理
E. 为了及时消除隐患,施工单位对施工现场的各种安全设施和劳动保护器具制定了不定期检查和维护制度
